2023 International Real Estate for Sale

Immoulin BV ('Immoulin') is a Dutch company registered in the Netherlands. All information regarding Immoulin's, users, policies and conditions is in Dutch and is both leading and binding.
Any information of a legal nature that Immoulin provides on these pages in any language other than Dutch is for information and guidance purposes only.

Summary of Immoulin's Privacy Policy

Access to Immoulin's website(s) is via a secure connection (https). Information provided by users is recorded in a secure database. 

Immoulin treats all information supplied by the users of its website(s) as PRIVATE and CONFIDENTIAL.

Personal data will be used by Immoulin for the following purposes only:

  • to communicate with an advertiser
  • to invoice an advertiser
  • to provide direct communication between the advertiser(s) and other potential buyer(s)
  • to provide advertiser(s) and potential buyer(s) with relevant additional infromation
  • to comply with applicable laws and regulations

Immoulin will not reveal the information of users, unless it is required to do so under applicable law or in the event that users of Immoulin's websites infringe third party rights.

Advertisers' financial information will not be held in Immoulin's system. All financial transactions are executed within the secure environment of Immoulin's payment provider(s)


In order to improve website performance Immoulin may use cookies to gather information on the use of its websites.

Immoulin reserves the right to use cookies for the following purposes:

  • to capture users' website preferences
  • to simplify login access and use of the website

Security information

Immoulin respects the privacy of each and every individual. Immoulin takes the utmost care when securely storing personal data of users.
Immoulin is not liable for any unauthorized access to either computers or files.

GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation):

As of May 25, 2018 this 2016 European initiative has become law and Immoulin has considered itself to be fully compliant This law protects the rights of website visitors leaving any traces of personal information that are being stored in our database. The law also requires service providers such as Immoulin to keep data safely stored for a particular length of time in order to comply with legal obligations vis a vis authorities and in order to perform our services for the benefit of our customers.

The full text of this law is published in the following languages; please follow the respective links:








Immoulin BV
PO Box 405
3740AK Baarn